
Wednesday, June 30, 2010


How can i start !! addeyh...

everything start from knowing them
start knowing them make me feel so better
perhaps !
i feel so proudly better when i joining the group that call
~ SMS ~


- 9 beloved -

she's very stupid
but however is it
she's my stupid

Ayesha Nadhrah
so clumsy
over nervous
but still cool

nice guy friends ever
he is very gentle
but mighty crude gentle

Airin Yasmin
rockers ever
very calm
and very obviously blur

Farhanah Inani
superbly kind
" she can sing very well "

" adynn tu cute jgk "
the smallest
caring friends ever

Nur Amirah
she's very probably amazingly nice friends
always with " nice " words
and .. no comment

Faralina Shakirah
batu seremban's geng
the funniest ever
loser perhaps

NorQistina Akmar
the great shorty what?
good listener
always knows everything about sms


loser..keleng..cocok idong is my words
hope u'll no regret listen this everytime with me

like what had all SMS groups said
no worries
it will go on until deads find us

- chow -
- adios -

Friday, June 18, 2010


this is what i feel about sms from A-Z ..

they will ..

Accepts you for who you are

Believes in you

Calls you just to say hi

Doesn't give up on you

Envisions the whole you

Forgives your mistakes

Gives unconditionally

Helps you whenever you need it

Invites you over

Just like you for who you are

Keeps you close to heart

Loves you

Make different in your life

Never judge you

Offers support

Picks you up when you are down

Quiets your tears

Respects you

Says nice things when you need to hear it

Tried to make you smile when you sad

Understands you

Valves you

Walks beside you

Xplain things you don't understand

Yells when you need to listen

Zaps you back to reality

Saturday, June 12, 2010

dear SMS!


this group dah ditubuhkan sejak ENTAH BILA
tapi secara rasmi.. group ni memang wujud dan dianggotai!

10 budak senget dan COMEL =)

adynn = ADINOT
she is the shorty morty SISTER
but die memang sangat sayangkan die punye adik2

miera = MIROT
the most GANGSTERISM in our gang
she love to CAKAP LEPAS at us..
especially her FARHANAH :-)

she is the BARNEY in SMS
haha.. we love her CLAP!

mina = MINOT / pipi gemok
die sangat happy go lucky
but ble tyme jumpe mamat tuh.
die try denying her feeling ! i hate that =)

airin = AEROT
she is the blacky metal here..
haha.. but die mmg gang yg bgus utk mengutuk

afif = FIFOT
die punye NIKON mengancam & mengghairahkan
haha.. he the most simplest man in this group

farhanat = FANOT
peminat BILL KUALI (opppss KAULITZ)
but she kinda a good friend

echah = ECHOT
she is my besties..
and die sngat ske melayan prangai aku dlm kelas

fara = FAROT
die bajek manja dlm group ni..
padahal anak sulung dlm family :D
she is a good listener





Sentiasa Mencari Seronok..
hell yeah!!
kami mmg sentiasa mencari seronok..
x kira masa..
atau keadaan..
seronok is a part of our life..
bagai isi dan kuku..
xleh dipisahkn..
tp dlm seronok kteorg..
t'sirat sesuatu yg bgtu b'makna..
ia nyer sesuatu yg lebih indah dr cinta monyet yg asyik jer menggangu hdp remaja zaman skrg..
( that is including me, Minah n etc)
bler jumpa kekwn sms nie..
rs cam hepi n lega sgt..
mcm kte dh lame t'perap dlm bilik yg gelap..
lps 2 finally kte dapat bukak sebuah tingkap and cahaya masuk b'sama udara segar..
mcm 2lah rsnyer..
sgt melegakn..
SMS meant a lot 2 me..
so much..
that i pray every night that this friendship will last forever..

kakak sy yg sgt comel dan x mcm kakak lnsg..
tp slalu stand up 4 all of us..
kakak sy yg asyik xnk ngaku dier kakak..
she maybe tough a little..
but she's one hell of a great person..
my lil sis that i love just love like my real lil sis..
slalu ada di sisi aku x kira ape yg b'laku..
gatal sket (sme jer ngan aku)..
adek kembar aku..
dier ni mmg sng utk aku ajak gi mana2..
just ckp yg J ader kt situ..
dier mesti nk ikut nyer...
dier nie rockers of the the group..
dgr lg heavy metal..
head banging lh kate kn..
seorg yg sgt sng utk aku b'bual with..
he knows everything that's going on in SMS..
n so do i so klu pape t'jd..
both of us will try 2 think of a solution 2gether..
aku x tau ah nk ckp ape psl dier..
dier gler kn Tokyo Hotel..
she sings their song all the time..
smpai Maimin leh tiru gaya dier nyanyi..
adik aku yg sumtimes..
lebih matured dr aku..
wiser than me..
kekdg rs mlu gak sbb aku lg childish dr dia even though i'm older..
i tell her everything..
it is so easy talking 2 her..
the youngest in the group..
t'lalu minat kobes (Lee Minho)..
aku slalu geram gne fond dier..
sbb plik sgt..
n dier pendek..

that's the whole SMS i'm talking about..
minus me that is..
aku rs dlm kumpulan nie..
aku nie maskot Barnie..
disbbkn kaki pendek aku..
i just love SMS..
love it so much..
it meant the world for me..


Thursday, June 10, 2010

sms is my life

so, after mina. i'm the second person yg post entry dalam blog ni :) actually, mina suruh aku post dulu, but, its okay. tade idea =.= now, there's a lot to share :D

sms actually change my life a lot. now i know, the truly means of happy. and let the sadness flows with the air. and how i interact with the peeps. i'm not a shy girl anymore. i'm now freely do what i want. as long as its not menyalahi peraturan. i be so talkative. outspoken. happy menyala2. just be a very kiddie. run here and there. laugh out loud. be funny. and enjoy the life. yaa. this friendship is actually taught me a lot. haa. the best friendship i've ever had.

see, how sms really change me. okey fine. atas tu, adalah copy paste dr blog sy. haha. now its about sms. yet, ape yg mina ckp tu betul, ble dah ade haluan masing2 semua mcm dah takde. err? so, i hope we can do better from the rest of friendship on the earth yg mcm mina cakap, habis begitu sje. hmm.

10 of us really makes the world turns upside down. so here, i wanna say something,

mina, adynn, qys, muhaimin, afif, fara, miera, airin, and fanah, you're one of the best thing happen to me in this wonderful life. may we stand with all the heart for this friendship and...


though miles may lie between us,
we are never far apart,
for friendship doesn't count miles,
its measured by the heart.
echa :)

sms means everything to me :)

A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlatched.
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like a heart that goes
strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didn't have a friend.

yoo doe (!) so, it seems like im da 1st person yg post entry kat sini kan ? HAHAHA. upah tlg make up page an ? :)

so just straight to da point, tujuan aku tulis entry ni just nak show korang betapa tingginya nilai persahabatan kte dlm hidup aku. seriuously, kalau boleh aku nak friendship kte sepuluh orang kekal smpai bila2.err, i mean, cuma maut yang boleh pisahkan kita ! sumpah ckp, aku x nak lah friendship kita cuma separuh jalan je. aku x nak friendship kte jd mcm friendship org lain. waktu sekolah bagai nak gila BEST FRIEND FOREVER konon, tpi bila dh hbis skolah, smua buat haluan masing2. nak contact mmg haram lah..

serius, korang dh bnyk ajar aku ttg persahabatan. korang ajar aku betapa besarnya nilai kawan dlm life kita. and thanks korang bnyk menyerikan hidup aku. secara jujur,kehadiran SMS dlm hidup aku buat aku tmbh bersemangat.lagi2 bila time aku tgh down !thanks korang !

aku just nak ingatkan korang beberapa perkara ni ;
  • bila korang ada masalah, jgn malu2 anjing dtg cari aku . insyaallah, mana yg boleh aku tolong aku tolong punya lah. :)
  • jangan lupa aku !aku tahu aku bukan kawan yg baik, tapi serius, to be honest aku dh cuba utk jadi yg terbaik buat korang ! jgn lah disbbkan aku tak mampu utk jadi yg da best di mata korang, korang akn lupakan aku nnt :')
  • aku sntiasa ada di sisi korang tak kira apa2 situation sekali pon,samada waktu sedih atau gembira. suka atau duka. aku janji, i'll always standing beside u all :)
  • n da last but not least, aku nak korang tahu yg aku sygggg gegila kat korang. terpulang samada korang nak percaya atau tak. tapi itulah hakikatnya :)
aku syg korang lebih dr apa2 pon. kalau before dis, dlm blog aku ada ckp "DIA" kenangan terindah aku kat high school tp it doesn't meant anything. yg sebenarnya kenangan paling,amat,sangat TERindah adalah setiap saat bersama korang !

adynn,echah,fara,qys,muhaimin,afif,miera,airin,fanah <3